Wednesday, December 23, 2009

photos from trips feb & may

                           iris garden
                      green places
               in february i fell in love

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


                                           love the cinematography of this.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

cutting off your eyelashes to make someone smile

when i was in kindergarten it was time for play,i noticed my friend sitting in the corner..i walked over & asked why she wasnt coming outside. she got teary eyed and explained that she was sad because her and her family had slanted eyes, she wanted long eyelashes like mine. i sat bewildered. i told her that i thought her eyes were beautiful then i took scissors and cut off all of my left eyelashes-"see?who cares" she laughed and smiled. then we played mom never lets me forget the day i came home with square eyelashes.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

winding tree downfall someone can come into your life,and make some kind of impact or you a different love or hate,or both..and to everyone else,theyre like a grain of sand..among so many others.but you hold them in a secret place,within your heart and mind,and thats where they stay, doesnt matter where they go,or where theyve been or how theyve changed or what happened or what didnt happen..because you simply love them,and its beautiful

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

dont let me down

   i remember when i was fourteen, with a heavy heart for old fashioned music an photography. kind of like now, just a lot more quiet. my granma was going into surgery & i was spending the day with my grandpa. ever since i was little he’d shown me real music .. he taught me everything i know today. my granpa,that day  so nervous & tense, nothing i could say seemed to change that. we went out grabbed a cheeseburger & fries. got to his new house.. the scenery outside, didnt help anymore. we sat on his couch. i made a stupid joke and he smiled, still worried. i looked up, saw some old beatles recordings he taped. he had always done it, he was one of those crazy beatles fans that grew up with them. he had a cassette in the vcr always when they came on he could tape it. he has books about them, old cups, records, you name it. i looked over at him, opened my eyes big, pointed at the tapes .. shrugged my shoulders. he nodded his head so i popped one in. it was our favourite when i was little. we watched this video.. then started singing it together.. and for those brief moments.. i could tell he wasnt worried anymore.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

seven warmest moons

sunday night,school tomorrow.
lastnight was nothing short of amazing.
night life sets me free.
two days ago,my friend nate "i'm going to la"
me,"i'm coming with you"
broken down car before grapevine,funny!you have to laugh at these things,if you dont life will seem a lot longer than it actually is.

tow truck.arrival.piano.met his brother.laughed.enjoyed the weather.
a buddy of his called,told us about this show..almighty opp.
lights,fast traffic,music in the air..louder tom waits!
ameoba,pixies on vinyl.
hungry,kfc.with an awesome view.
then we walked to a streetcorner where there was a tent set was a puppet show,fantastic.
afterwards i met his friend that called earlier.we made some friend,tony maggie & milo.their faces were painted,deep connections,amazing conversations.
tony asked how we were,introduced usually shy when i first meet people..but thinking back i actually talked quite a bit with him.then everyone was leaving,and we wanted to talk more "we.ll meet up at the warehouse"
ate fish found.the warehouse was a three story party,a party at the top..someone elses party on the second floor,

and a show on the roof.the fifteen piece band consisted of drums and an accordions, awesome.i came to the roof..didnt see anyone i knew but it didnt worry me.i was blissful and at peace with everything. then someone tapped me on the shoulder,tony.
we talked a while & the band played
time puts on its running sneakers when im having a good time..and it ran away.
hug goodbye,he called me gorgeous and we would have to meet again.nate and i left smiling.. i cant see the stars but i've never cared back to my friend, pixies record on his back porch, talk, goodnight. nate you've become my brother i swear..i bet we could pass for cousins.
*i cant wait to get back home and play a show*
wake, omelets, we visited his dad. paleta strawberry flavored = dying happy.
we stood in the sun waiting for the bus. ate some nachos on a train, to home.
all the more reason to look forward to the end of this semester.
drawing listening to beirut, and damnit..i thought i put my new record in nates bag but he said its not there!
looks like we'll be going back soon.
drifting away from the tomorrow at 8am pfft.screen printing should be fun.
"its been a long time,a long time now..since i've seen you smile"

Friday, August 7, 2009

you stood so still, i thought youd become a lake

hello one am, its still early. i used to write in journals, i move a i lose them. i spell how i talk, don.t like capital letters,i love mashed potatoes, paul rudd..the colour grey, and bubbles.
i dream a lot..its hot where i live & im hungry for winter.
here.s a lost painting i made two years ago