here's a sequence of some photos circa cousin kiana and i took while walking home after school when i was sixteen.
we lived across the street from each other.its funny,its always been
way since we were little.whenever my dad and his sister moved..we.d end
up in walking distance from each other.i moved so much & these
particular houses were right across the street from our school.if we
stayed home or anything we could still hear the bells in the
distance,and they were always at a certain time of the first i
thought it was annoying,but then it almost became a certain
comfort.every day i didnt care what time it was,and you can always feel
what time its around.but that never mattered..when the bells rang, you
knew it was exactly twelve..lunch…two fourty,
schools out then four.after school detention was over.even when something wasnt
related to those bells you could still go off of the when the
bell rang at four,i knew i had a half an hour before i had to get my
stuff together for my pottery club at five o clock.then sometimes a bell
would go off at night, we thought it was funny.there was a huge window
on the second story across from the staircase and you could see the sky.
sometimes id lay upstairs when there was a thunderstorm with a warm cup
of tea,wrapped in a big blanket keeping the lightning company.watching
the big bolts and the crooked tiny slithers across the night
sky.everyday my cousin and i would wake up (sleep over or not) id eat an
apple and we.d walk to school together.the morning dew felt so fresh,i
always thought she was a cute morning grouch with messy hair & being
up early always felt so good.