Monday, August 6, 2012

things to do when summer heat dampens your creativity

*get up early to water your garden,drink mango juice & close your eyes enjoying morning weather
*look away when your boyfriend kills the grasshoppers that are huge/bright green from eating your sage & drowns the creepy light brown spider attacking your aloe vera plant
*eat one sheet of otter pops a day,turn on the air conditioner & take a nap or vise versa
*watch your favourite documentaries on the flaming lips & sigur ros
*hug your mom
*go vegetarian and have more energy
* buy your boyfriend an overabundance of coffee & tell him sorry for taking out a chunk of his hair/ thank him for making you lunch everyday
*go swimming & eat fresh fruit
*try to get creative with water colour, give up & watch classic jim carrey films
*look up photos of foxes & interesting facts about elephants
*read a book/get a new instrument/donate a quarter of your wardrobe to rescued treasures
*after dinner have a glass of wine and talk to your friends in a british accent
*laugh at videos on youtube of people after their wisdom teeth taken out
*call your animals names that only sound like their names.. make fun of them when they listen,
then cuddle them