Wednesday, June 13, 2012

we are the whistling breeze through the trees, we are the winter by the sea

that feeling you get, well i dont know if you get it but i do.
when you're living in the woods, sleeping a tent for so long. then you come home.
you step into the house. it just feels different, weird but in a bad way; you dont like it.
 that's what happened to me this week. i miss the smell of campfire in my hair. i miss all of the big trees that surround us.with some dark spots, right next to some sunlit leaves creating a mysterious ambience. i miss being in that place waking up to hear birds sing their own songs instead of mimicking car alarms.
we set up camp with some friends the first couple of nights. sean cooked for everyone the whole time,
just like he always does. he loves cooking so much, its awesome for me! but i still like to
help out every so often(:
 sean james and i got there the first night. we hiked our stuff a ways back to set up in the forest. near a campground, so we could walk & use the restrooms sometimes. (shh!) we showed our friends a secret hike to a waterfall. you end up at the top of it, where there are pools you can swim in. we soaked in them a few summers ago. this time they were too cold. we went on a side trail that led to a private yet abandoned cabin. found a hug tree stump, with a ladder cut into it and two chairs at the top. a sign said not to pass, but we did anyway. we sat on the chairs nervous but got some photos - oh! speaking of stumps i also am creating a new blog. its called hugging trees haha its pictures of people i know, hugging trees with their name and what kind of tree it is. sounds like a fun hobby for a while[: i thought of it while listening to the water from our sleeping bags, awake, holding his hand that was wrapped around me.
 anyway, we got back, made dinner, had a couple of beers, played music & talked amongst each other, together and seperatley. we woke, ate smores before breakfast and had extremely long talks about different cereal killers and which ones we thought were the craziest. i think ted bundy/ jack the ripper take the cake but i won't get into that now.
 after a couple of days everyone left but we stayed to camp alone. i thought i'd be more afraid but it was so peaceful, calming. being away from everyone. i can feel myself transitioning back into my old ways. old ways where i have my phone off all day, don't like the computer so much or hanging out with anyone really. loving solitude. there was a creek behind our tent. dreaming was great, so relaxing to fall asleep with the water moving in the background.
  i like to sit on stumps over rivers, watch the clear water flow gently over the rocks.
you look up, endless numbered trees with vivid greens and browns. so vast, engulfed in a sea of browns and greens.
the air fills your lungs with purity, a breeze comes. the cold wind bites your bare skin
 you love it because you hate the heat, but got stuck with a july birthday in california.
put on my moccasins, camera and brown jacket for a walk to gather some wood.
we brought some but more friends showed up so we didn't have enough.
 we took a walk, talking, seeing over sized lady bugs, vivid yellow flowers, black and white butterflies. there were also some small pink and purple butterflies i got some shots of.
anyway here is a photograph i like of an over sized pine cone.
everything is untouched in this particular forest so it has room to grow.
this is what a real pine cone looks like[:

 on the way home we were loading up my car, i was grabbing something.. sean saw a mouse in my trunk. guess it got in with one of the bags. it chews up any paper. the ride home everytime we remembered there was a mouse with us we giggled in all hope it wouldn't crawl up one of our legs while i was driving. sean thinks mice are creepy, i have to show him the movie the green mile.. then he.ll think they're cute. i made him promise not to freak out if the mouse showed up, if anything ever showed up! you cannot freak out when someone is driving a car haha
  we stopped on the side of the road near a field before coming home. it's lady bug season in a couple weeks. the air was filled with them. i had never seen so many all at once in my life. it was magical, a myriad of them swarmed around us. there wasn't a place you could look and not see clusters. we smiled, got back in the car and listened to iron & wine on the way home.

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